Home Solutions Pain After Gay Anal Sex: Relief + Care

Pain After Gay Anal Sex: Relief + Care

Pain After Gay Anal Sex: Relief + Care
Pain After Gay Anal Sex: Relief + Care

It is okay to experience or feel pain after anal sex especially if it is your first time. Even if you are not new at it, dry and rough anal penetration can cause serious bruises, pain and discomfort. Therefore, you need to know how to lubricate and prepare for anal sex if you want to enjoy it.

Here’s what to do if you have pain after anal sex

The rectum walls are delicate and if you penetrate it without any lubes, the friction can cause dangerous open sores that should be cared for. Here are some basic solutions for pain after anal penetration.

1. Sitz Bath

This will help a lot in disinfecting the open sores and give you fast healing. It is also advised for those who notice bleeding after anal sex to do this. 

  1. Get some warm water in a basin enough for your but to sink in while seated
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of Epsom Salt to it and stir to make a sitz bath
  3. Sit in the basin for at least 10 minutes. 15 – 25 minutes is much better. 
  4. Repeat this 2-3 times a day for better results and disinfection of the sores

2. Diet and hydration

Increase your water intake. This will help in easing bowel movements and softening your stools. Tough stools will worsen the pain after anal sex as you pass them. Therefore, diet and hydration is very important here since what you do will determine what you pass out.

Avoid heavy food like corn and hot or strong paper since those will be aggressive on the sores. Get food that is rich in fiber because this will help in proper digestion and easy bowel movements. This Tables will help you:

Vegetables Rich in Fiber:

Broccoli, boiledGreen peas, boiled
Artichoke, boiledBroccoli, boiled
Turnip greens, boiledBrussels sprouts, boiled
Sweet corn, boiledPotato, with skin, baked
Potato, with skin, bakedTomato paste, canned & Raw Carrots


RaspberriesApple with skin
Pear with skinBanana
Dried figsRaisins

Grains, cereal and pasta:

Cooked Spaghetti, whole-wheat, cookedCooked Barley, pearled
Bran flakesOat bran muffin
Cooked Oatmealair-popped Popcorns
Cooked Brown RiceWhole-wheat Bread

Legumes, nuts and seeds:

Boiled Split peasBoiled Lentils
Boiled Black beansBoiled Lima beans
Canned and cooked Baked beansAlmonds
Pistachio nutsPecans

You may also consider taking supplements that are rich in fiber. Reference: Foods rich in fiber

3. Respond to long call in time

When you have an urge to pass stools during the healing process, do not hold for long. Rush to the toilet and relieve yourself as soon as you can. Holding stools for long will hurt the passage and give you more pain.

When passing out stools, try and sit in a good position. This means that when you squat, step on something that will raise you up and help you achieve a good squat for easy anal opening. 

Do not use dry toilet paper to wipe. Consider getting some wet wipes with no chemicals or perfumes. If possible, wash the anal opening with clean water at room temperature. 

Note that passing stool after anal sex can be very painful if you ignore those simple steps.

Bleeding after anal sex

Bleeding from anal sex should never be ignored. Having rough and dry anal sex can damage the veins found on the anal area which are also known as hemorrhoids. Those are soft bumps or lumps located in the anal area and are tender to touch. 

Anal fissure after anal penetration

This can occur due to dry rough anal sex that may cause a tear on the anal lining. This can be very painful and should be checked and cared for. One of the major symptoms of anal fissure is that it will take time to heal and you will always notice blood spots while wiping after bowel movement.

Hole in the colon after anal sex

This is not common but there have been cases where there is a hole in the colon after anal sexual pleasure. This can cause so much pain in the abdomen with fever all over the body. It should be treated as soon as possible since it may require surgery and serious antibiotics prescriptions to deal with the problem. 

Avoid having anal sex until you completely heal. This is good due to the fact that it will keep away infections and help you heal faster. Talk to your partner about it for better results and co-operations.


There are several things that gay couples ignore before sex. This happens especially if it’s a fling and they have to express their feelings instantly. Above all, always ensure that you are well lubricated before any sort of penetration. Doesn’t matter if you are using butt plugs or just having anal sex – Just use the right lubes to avoid any injuries. Remember, no matter what you do, never use this as lubes at home.


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