Home Solutions Anal Lube Substitutes for Men: Alternatives

Anal Lube Substitutes for Men: Alternatives

Anal Lube Substitutes for Men: Alternatives
Anal Lube Substitutes: Alternatives

If you have to do it and there are no lubes around, it’s time to get something that will make things slide with ease. The anal walls do not lubricate naturally for penetration and it is not advisable to enjoy its pleasures without proper lubrication. 

It is important to first test any of the listed alternatives before using them in plenty to ensure that the couples involved do not react to them. Here below are some natural substitutes for anal lubes that are safe to use at home. 

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can be used as an anal lube thanks to its slippery and moisturizing properties. We all know coconut oil is good for dry skin. It will protect the skin and keep it moisturized. 

If you are using sex toys or but plugs, coconut oil is one of the safest natural alternatives that will not damage your silicone- toys. However, note that coconut oil in some cases may contain antibacterial chemicals. Try and get 100% coconut oil if you want to use it as an option.

Additionally, do not use coconut oil with latex based condoms because it can easily degenerate the material’s properties. This can make the condom burst or tear and we all know this is not safe.  

Experts at COCONU, coconut oil has a high chance of clogging pores and leaving residues that may block the anal pores. Even though it is rare, some people may have discomfort from the clogs and it is therefore advisable to clean up after use.

2. Aloe Gel 

Aloe gel which is also known as aloe vera gel is a good anal lube alternative but it must be made of 100% pure aloe vera. Some aloe gel products are mixed with chemicals that can cause nasty irritations. 

Pure aloe gel is one of the best natural lube you can use at home. The best bit about it is that it will not irritate the anal walls. However, ensure you add some drops of water to it to make it more slippery and keep the lubrication constant. 

In my experience, it is safe to use Aloe vera gel with silicone toys, but plugs, vibrators and latex condoms during anal penetration because it is not oil based. Therefore, it will not have any negative effects on silicon, plastic or latex products.

3. Egg Whites

Yes, as “funny” as it may sound, egg whites can do the trick safely without any worries of infections. Some may not handle the smell but we all know people are different. If you can handle it, go for it, you will be fine. This can also be mixed with a little pinch of vaseline. 

4. Crisco oil

This is a natural lube alternative that is also popular among those who appreciate the backdoor pleasure. It is known to be heavy, thick and slippery as required. The best part about it is that it will also stick around for some time at the same spot where you placed it. If you are into the back side pleasure, this could be exactly what you are looking for as a quick lube alternative. 

5. Virgin olive oil

Virgin olive oil can work as an anal lube alternative because it has been processed and filtered to remove extra additives that cause clogging. It is a safe natural anal lube substitute since it does not contain irritant additives. 

Note that normal olive oil can also work but it will be difficult to clean up. It is also not advisable to use any type of olive oil with condoms or sex toys. Always go for natural virgin olive oil instead of the ones that are commonly found on the shelves that contain additives.

6. Avocado oil

Pure organic avocado oil can be used as an anal lube since it contains less chemicals and lasts on the shaft compared to water based lubes. It also has a smell that can be tolerated. It provides enough coating and good lubrications as you slide in without any risks of being drying up.

6. Sheer butter

You can use 100% pure shea butter that is free from additives or any magareen that is free from dairy products. Never use normal butter because it contains dairy products that easily create an environment for yeast infections. 

However, it is important to apply just a little bit of it on your skin to see if you are sensitive to anything new before you fully use it. You never know, you may react to some of those things especially if you are prone to allergic reactions. 

Avoid those anal lube alternative sex

Generally, most people assume that anything slippery used for skin lubrication and moisturization can be used as a lube substitute. This is wrong since some of those products are designed for different body conditions and the chemicals in them are never designed for internal lubrication. Below are some products you should not use for anal lubrication.

1. Baby oil

Baby oil will do the trick when looking at what to use as lube at home. However, it is slim and in most cases, it will dry up after several strokes depending on how fast you go. It is also not safe for use with latex because it will dry up and the friction may harm the delicate anal walls. 

2. Yogurt

Yogurt can be used for oral sex but not for anal penetration. It is not thick enough to provide an effective penetration that is needed for anal pleasure. Additionally, its PH levels at a minimum of 4.25 against the rectal’s minimum of 7 will cause irritation and disruptions. 

Sweetened yogurt can also cause yeast infection in and around the anus. The thing is, sugar will build a good environment for yeast infection down there. Therefore, yogurt can only be used on ladies but it is not a good idea for gay couples or anal penetration in general.

3. Spit 

As much as spit is always the first resort when there is no lube, it can only work on vaginal penetration. Spit cannot be enough to lubricate anal penetration and it will cause pain after anal sex that will cause more harm than good. It will dry very fast and the rectal walls can be left with severe bruises that can put one at risk.

Yes, your spit can act as a natural lube when you have started your thing and you want to make it slide in with ease. However, this is okay between a man and a woman or when masturbating. For anal, it may really not go well since it will dry up fast.

 4. Vaseline

Vaseline is a lubricant that can work during sex even when combined with a spit or saliva. However, it dries up very fast and is not designed for internal use. Therefore, it is not really advisable to rely on vaselin when enjoying the backdoor pleasures.

Expert’s tip

Oh! And before you go, always note that it is not advisable to use oils with a condom. From my experience, oils and latex don’t really work well together. 

If you are using sex toys for anal pleasure, do not apply oils on them because they are made of plasticizers which can be displaced by lubricants or oils. Too much oil will definitely damage silicone toys and you don’t really want to use or apply them in this case.

The point here is this, those oils are good for raw anal sex without condoms or sex toys involved. They are natural so they will work well with skin on skin.

Some of those lube alternatives are the best for people with sensitive skin especially if you keep reacting to every lube in the market. Just ensure they are 100% natural and pure.


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