Home Gay piercing Male Genital Piercing with Pictures: Gay Piercings

Male Genital Piercing with Pictures: Gay Piercings


Male genital piercing, just like other body piercings, is gaining popularity among gay couples. However, a piercing on the penis or scrotum might be dangerous if proper care and measures are not kept in check. Penile piercing may also get infected if sterilization of the jewelry is not observed.

Types of male genital piercing 

Generally, you may pierce any part of the penis or scrotum as long as you can pinch it up. Types of penis piercing will vary with one’s motive and desires that drive them to it. Some are for beauty while others are meant to spice up things in the bedroom.

However, it is essential to have this done by a qualified professional who will put sterilization and safety above everything. Genital piercing among gays or men in general includes the following areas:

  1. The glans, also known as the penile head.
  2. The foreskin.
  3. The penile shaft.
  4. The elastic skin is located under the penile head that connects the foreskin to the penis (Frenulum). 
  5. The area between the anus and the scrotum is also known as the perineum.
  6. The scrotum sack.

Piercing the penile glans

This is the head and it is one of the common areas pierced since it comes with lots of pleasures. Some of these piercings pass through the urinal passage, also known as the urethra, making them a significant concern. Therefore, ensure you do not have any signs or forms of infection before opting for this. There are four significant types of piercing on the penile head, as listed below;

1. The Apadravya penile piercing

This type of male genital piercing is performed on the penile head. The head is pierced downwards, or we can say vertically, as indicated in the diagram below.

A vertical piercing on the 
penile head from 
Top to bottom.
A vertical piercing on the penile head from Top to bottom.

The ring is inserted, running vertically on the penile head. This type of piercing does not hurt since it runs horizontally on the penile head. It also increases the general pleasure as it strocks the wall. To sum it up, it increases the sensational feel on your partner. This is why many gay couples go for it.

2. The Ampallang Penile Piercing

The ampallang type of penile piercing is also performed on the glans, but unlike the first one above, the penile head is pierced across or, let’s say, horizontally. The ring is then inserted, running vertically across the middle of the penile head from one end to the other, as shown in the diagram below.

It is not popular because it gets stuck due since it pops from the sides, unlike the apadravya which is straight. This piercing also passes through the urethra; thus, care and health concerns should be observed. 

A horizontal piercing on the 
penile head from 
left to right or right to left.
A horizontal piercing on the penile head from left to right or right to left.

3. The Dydoe penile piercing

The dydoe type of male piercing passes through the base of the penile head, right where the shaft begins. This piercing is done vertically on the upper part of the penis to make it visible.

The ring is then inserted and runs vertically against the penis passing from the glans to the rim of the penile head. See the diagram below. 

Pierced at the base of the penile head.
Pierced at the base of the penile head.

4. The Prince Albert piercing. 

The Prince Albert male piercing is categorized into two types. This piercing also passes through the urethra, or the urine passage and health concerns must be looked at.

While some piercers may choose to avoid the nerve bundle that runs along the center of the Frenulum altogether, others may choose otherwise. The piercing can be centered if the bearer is circumcised. Otherwise, the piercing must be done off-center so that the surrounding skin can reposition itself.


The first type is done on the dorsal penile side, while the second type is simply the reverse of the first type. It is done by passing through the ventral side of the penile glans as shown in the diagram below.

Prince Albert piercing Passes from 
the lower side of the penile head and 
comes through the opening where the 
urine is passed.
Prince Albert piercing Passes from the lower side of the penile head and comes through the opening where the urine is passed.

5. Piercings on the penile shaft and foreskin

Uncircumcised individuals enjoy more styles of piercings since there are piercings that are done categorically on the foreskin. Below are the major types of piercing on the shaft and the foreskin. 

6. The foreskin piercing

This type of piercing is done on the upper part of the penis but on the foreskin. The foreskin is pulled backward, and a piercing is done in a way that holds it from moving back to cover the penile head.

The jewelry is then inserted and remains visible on the retracted upper part of the foreskin lying against the penile shaft. See the diagram below.

7. Piercing on the Frenulum

Piercing the frenum is also a popular piercing technique that should come with a lot of health concerns and care. The Frenulum is the tissue below the penile head that connects the foreskin to the penis.

In most cases, a Frenulum tear can be very painful and may even become infected. Infections can cause severe damage to the glans and even disable the normal function of the penis. 

8. The low frenum piercing. 

This type is also known as the piercing of the lorum. It involves piercing below the penis, right at that point where the penis connects to the scrotum. It is precisely at the base of the penis, and you may have to lift the penis for the jewelry to be visible.

9. Piercing the scrotum

It’s also known as the Hadafa type of piercing. The scrotum sack is pierced at the front, as shown in the diagram below, and the jewelry is inserted. 

How long does it take for male genital piercing to heal?

In most cases, it will take about five weeks for a piercing on the foreskin on the scrotum suck to heal. However, the healing duration is also influenced by the type and the number of pieces you have had. A Prince Albert piercing may even last for over five months before it completely heals.

Just like any other piercings, care and good treatment will also aid in fast healing. Hygiene is also essential since bacterial or fungal infections may only cause unwanted infections. When infected, they will take longer to heal.  

Is it safe to have sex with your penile piercing?

Can I have sex with a pierced penis? Well, the answer will depend on which part of the penis you have pierced if you have a penis-piercing head or shaft. Then, you have to wait until it is completely healed. If you have to do it, wait for at least three weeks after the piercing.

  • A piercing is an open wound and might quickly get viral, bacterial, or fungal infections during sex. You may also have to consider removing your jewelry during sex in case you are rough in bed. 

Though this is not in all cases, the friction might tear up the condoms in a few cases, especially when the female is not properly wet. Non-piercing jewelry should also be taken off since it may fall off and be hazardous to both partners. The healing process will also take a shorter time when you abstain for a while.

  • Some women report pleasure, while others have indicated that they feel pain if penetrated by a pierced penis. It is especially true when the piercing jewelry comes into contact with the female cervix. 

Reports also indicate that partners to those with pierced penis have experienced sores on the roof of the mouth, bruised gums, and the tongue while having oral sex.

How do I know my penis piercing is infected?

Below are a few symptoms of an infected male genital piercing that you should keenly be alert to. Never assume any negative signs that are alarming on the piercing or the infected area.

1. Unusual Discharge

It is usual for a piercing to ooze or produce a clear discharge, especially when it is fresh. It is a normal healing stage. The clear discharge is also known as lymph and should not be alarming. 

However, a continuous discharge from the piercing that is colored, i.e., white discharge, yellow, or green discharge, should be alarming and may indicate signs of an infected piercing.

2. Inflammation

The area around the penile piercing may be swollen. However, it is essential to note that if swelling does not go away after a few days and continues to be painful, have it checked. 

3. Unusual smell

An unusual odor or foul smell from the fresh piercing may indicate signs of fungal or bacterial infection on the wound. Puss-filled bumps on the piercing may accompany this

4. Discoloration

An extra red appearance on or around the piercing will indicate an abnormal sore or stress on the wound. If redness does not subside with a few home remedies and care, seek medical advice. 

5. Rash

Tiny bums around the penile piercing or the pierced scrotum sack may also indicate signs of infection. Rashes should be treated with urgent medical attention and should never be ignored.

6. Constant Burning sensation and itching

A persistent burning sensation with itching that won’t go away may indicate signs of an allergic reaction. It may be caused either by the type of ring or jewelry used, soap, or antiseptics that may have been recommended.

For infected piercings, doctors may also prescribe oral antibiotics depending on the symptoms diagnosed. Avoid using self-prescription and seek medical advice from a doctor in case you have noticed any of the above signs of infections. 

Care and treatment of male genital piercing

The first and topmost care is the cleanliness of the wound. It will help in keeping away bacterial infections from the piercing and help in speedy healing. Below are some simple and effective ways of caring for and treating fresh piercings at home. 

1. Right Clothing

Avoid extra loose clothes or very tight ones while still nursing a fresh wound. The ring may hook onto the clothing and may cause a lousy mutilation of the penis or scrotum sack.

The right size of undergarments or boxers helps a lot for these Prince A. piercings since it helps in holding the ring in position.

2. Salt soaks

Salt is known for its natural cleansing properties, and it will also get rid of bacterial and fungal infections on the healing piercing, fresh wound. It may sting a little bit when doing this, but that is okay. 

The salt is just reacting to the open wounds, helping the piercing to scab over and heal faster. Saltwater is also suitable for cleaning scabs around the piercing.

  1. Take a cup of slightly warm water and mix it with salt
  2. Use clean cotton wool to clean the scabs and the clear liquid that is oozing from the fresh piercing
  3. Rinse with cool water to keep away the stinging effect of saltwater

Consider cleaning the wound daily, twice a day, with diluted saline. Cleaning should also be done immediately after having sex. You may also keep the damage clean and help in sterilizing it using the simple steps below;

  1. Put 10-15 liters of warm water, not hot, just a little warm, in a bucket.
  2. Add about five spoons of salt to the bucket and stir to mix.
  3. Sit in the bay for about 5 minutes.
  4. Do this once in a day and at least three times in a week for better results.

3. Vitamin K

Consider taking over-the-counter vitamin K supplements as per the pharmacist’s prescription. It will help in clotting and fast healing of the piercing as well as other body piercings in general.

  • Clotting and scabbing of the wound will also keep away infections and foreign elements from coming into contact with the fresh wound. 

Vitamin K plays a key role in helping the blood clot, preventing excessive bleeding. Unlike many other vitamins, vitamin K is not typically used as a dietary supplement.


Foods rich in vitamin K include:

  1. Cabbages
  2. Green leafy vegetables
  3. Dairy fermented products
  4. Spring onions and Brussels Sprouts, among others. 

4. Protected sex

Consider having protected sex when treating and nursing a pierced penis at home. It is because the vagina is acidic, and other sexual fluids may also irritate the fresh wounds further.

  • Avoid musterbation and other activities you may engage in until the wounds are completely healed. The jewelry should not be moved or disturbed until it is properly healed. 

Note that stressing a fresh wound may cause displacement of the ring from its original position and result in a more extended healing period. 

5. Hydration

Consider taking a lot of water to avoid experiencing pain while urinating. When you have a piercing on the penile head that passes through the urethra, concentrated urine may irritate. 

  • Urine contains salt as part of its toxic excretions, and when it is concentrated, it may irritate the fresh wound. Drinking a lot of water will help in having less concentrated urine, which is healthy for a fast healing process. 

6. Cooling

You may also consider pouring some cool water over the penis after urinating. It will help in cleaning the urine drops that may be left on the fresh piercing and also ease any stinging effect. 

  • Cool water will make the sensitive numb from any pain and sores. It should only be done when the wound is stinging and feels sore, especially after urinating.

Even though the billow steps may sound weird, it has helped individuals who have tried it. Some people have extra concentrated urine, and this helps a lot in avoiding the stinging effects of urine on the wound. Try this at home;

  1. Take a relatively large container and fill it with cool water
  2. Take this to the bathroom and insert your penis in the container
  3. Urinate while your shaft is in the water until you are done
  4. It works in diluting the urine toxic concentration in real-time, leaving you with less pain

7. Swimming and long showers

Avoid going swimming or soaking in hot baths for the first few weeks until the fresh piercings start to scab over. Piercing on the genitals may easily get infected if not handled with care and caution. 

Consider spending less, if possible, having very short baths. Constant running water with chemicals from bathing soaps may affect the wound, leading to dangerous flares. 

8.  Tea tree oil

Consider applying some tea tree oil around the piercing, especially if you notice there are rashes or unusual bumps around it. 

  • Tea tree oil is an exceptional natural anti-fungal antiseptic and is also one of the best natural antibiotics that is gentle on sensitive skin. 

It is good to note that the penile skin is susceptible, and never use random home remedies on the soft skin tissues. If you are using tea tree oil, consider mixing it with essential oils i.e. coconut oil or olive oil.

Below is how you may use this on infected piercings;

  1. Drop a teaspoon of coconut oil into a clean container.
  2. Then add 2 drops of tea tree oil to it – Tea tree oil is concentrated and should be used in minimal amounts on sensitive skin.
  3. Add 2-3 drops of water and mix to form a paste.
  4. Use clean cotton wool to apply on the affected area, especially on the rushes and bumps. 
  5. Let it settle for about 5-10 minutes before you rinse off with clean water. Do not use warm or hot water to rinse.
  6. To be on the safe side, in case you apply it and you feel any extra irritation, rinse it off immediately to avoid any further irritation. 

Caution and what to know

It has been observed that extra-large jewelry that is a bit heavy tends to cause a tear even when a piercing is healed. These majorly experience it with Prince Albert’s piercing. 

  • There is a tissue located at the center of the fistula that is healed and the opening of the urethra. The thinning of this centralized tissue is a significant concern caused by such kind of large jewelry. 

Interestingly, thin jewelry may also cause the thinning of this tissue, and a good example is when you put it on for a long time. 

Risks involved when piercing your penis

When piercing the male genitals, including the scrotum, several health risks may be involved in the process.

Listed below are some health risks that you should be aware of.

  1. Piercing on the glands may result in over-bleeding, which may result in severe blood loss.
  2. You may risk having a narrow urethra due to the soft tissues that will scar because of the piercing on the soft tissues.
  3. The piercing that passes through the urethra may cause infections in the urinal passage that may be deadly if left untreated.
  4. If done by unqualified persons, one may experience severe nerve damage that may be irreversible in some cases.
  5. Some individuals may suffer allergic reactions to some of these jewelry. It may include severe sores that may need special care and attention.
  6. Accidents like piercing of the tissues can be responsible for erectile issues. It causes erectile malfunctions that can affect your sexual life.
  7. The open-fresh wound may be vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections, including sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS if you share the piercing equipment. 

One needs to note his history of infections and diseases in the genital area. This includes the penis and the balls. For example, one cannot pierce the penile head if he has signs of balanitis, a disease that causes the penile head to swell and can be fatal if left untreated.

In a man-to-man or gay relationship, one may decide to have a penile piercing with the aim of spicing up things in the bedroom. It is therefore important to know the types, challenges, and what comes with the whole process. Minors should never be allowed to have genital piercings whatsoever since they are still developing rapidly, and some of these piercings can affect their future social lives or even be hazardous as they continue to grow.